
Helpful Tips & News on Air Duct Cleaning

A woman is sitting on a couch holding a child.
By Admin 22 Aug, 2024
Reduce allergy and asthma symptoms when you have your air ducts cleaned by an experienced, local ductwork company.
A metro duct cleaners van is parked in front of a house
By Admin 22 Aug, 2024
Check out the top air duct cleaning companies near Eagan, MN.
A person is taking a filter out of a washing machine.
By Admin 03 May, 2024
Are you finding yourself needing to re-dry your clothes over and over? If you’re pulling your clothes out of the dryer and discover they are still damp, it can lead to numerous problems. It can be annoying, time-consuming, and can increase your energy bills. It can also make you panic that your dryer is not working correctly. However, it could be the result of dirty or clogged dryer vents. While this is good news, it’s essential to schedule dryer vent cleaning soon, as it can lead to dangerous circumstances around your house.
A little girl is using an oxygen mask in bed.
By Admin 03 May, 2024
Learn what symptoms can indicate you need to schedule ductwork cleaning services.
A person is holding a piece of concrete in their hand.
By Admin 03 May, 2024
Our air duct cleaning experts in Eagan explain why winter is the ideal time to schedule ductwork cleaning services.
A woman is sitting on a couch holding two children and looking at a tablet.
By Admin 03 May, 2024
Learn how having your air ducts cleaned regularly can improve your family's health.
A picture of a dirty filter and a picture of a clean filter
By Admin 03 May, 2024
Why should I Change my Air Filter? Here are a few different reasons as to why you should always keep your eye on your filter! A dirty filter can cause many different types of problems for your home and heating system, including: Reduced energy efficiency. When a filter becomes clogged with dirt and debris, the…
A man is cleaning a ceiling vent with a vacuum cleaner.
By Admin 03 May, 2024
Answer: Because they get dirty! In addition to normal accumulations of dust and dirt found in all homes with air ducts, there are several other factors that can increase the need for regular HVAC system cleaning: pets occupants with allergies or asthma cigarette or cigar smoke water contamination or damage to the home or HVAC…
Does filter size matter ? the short answer is yes
By Admin 03 May, 2024
When choosing an air filter for your HVAC system, you will be presented with many options, but that doesn’t mean the buying process has to be confusing. Metro Duct Cleaners has prepared this simple guide to walk you through every step of selecting a filter that’s perfect for you and your home. Size What size of…
A dirty air filter next to a clean one
By Admin 03 May, 2024
Manufacturers Suggestions Most manufacturers generally recommend Air Filters be changed every three months. But in reality, the “right” answer is different for every house. While the recommendation of three months is a good place to start, it’s not a one-size-fits-all answer. Many factors come into play when determining how often a filter should be changed, such as: Type…
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